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185 Email Subject Lines for Better B2B Sales (2024)

B2B sales teams often create first impressions through email subject lines.

According to Zippia, in 2023, businesses worldwide sent and received a staggering 347.3 billion emails daily.

Crafting compelling subject lines is essential for getting your emails opened and read. Whether you’re reaching out to prospects, nurturing leads, or following up with clients, a well-crafted subject line can make all the difference.

This article will provide 185 email subject line examples and explain why they help you supercharge your B2B sales email campaigns.

Top 5 email subject lines that convert

At Cognism, we know how to use email marketing to make prospects sit up and take notice. 

We’re sharing our top five best email subject line examples that produced exceptional client results.  

1. Startup accelerator

Subject line: “Disruptive Start-Ups Needed”

When one of our clients, a startup accelerator, used this cold email subject line to target founders and CEOs of B2B tech startups, it produced outstanding results:

  • Read rate: 53.7%
  • Response rate: 6.52%
  • Click-through rate: 13.02%

Why did this line work so well?

Firstly, it’s short. At Cognism, we recommend using 50 characters or fewer in your email subject lines for sales so prospects can easily read them on mobiles (mobile traffic accounts for nearly half of all website traffic worldwide). This line comes in at 27.

This subject line acts as a headline, accurately describing what will be in the email. 

We targeted it at the right audience and buyer persona; after all, what startup doesn’t like to be considered disruptive?

2. Digital marketing agency

Subject line: “Collaborating with [COMPANY NAME]”

For a digital marketing agency client looking to reach marketing directors' or heads' email list, this catchy email subject line worked excellently:

  • Read rate: 47.84%
  • Response rate: 5.24%
  • Click-through rate: 5.7%

The most striking thing about this subject line is personalisation with the recipient’s company name. Personalised emails are 26% more likely to be opened.

It also creates intrigue, making the prospect want to open a cold email to learn more. Like the previous startup accelerator line, this line is short (35 characters), so you can see it on a mobile screen.

3. Recruitment agency

Subject line: “Hot weather, hot candidates!!”

For an email campaign targeting recruitment and HR managers, one of our recruitment agency clients found this summer email subject line brought in the responses they needed:

  • Read rate: 35.36%
  • Response rate: 5.54%
  • Click-through rate: 3.29%

The great thing about this line is that it’s seasonal, taking advantage of current events to make an impact (in this case, the hot summer weather).

It’s also provocative; humour is a great way to grab someone’s attention. Finally, it’s extremely short (29 characters).

4. Data science consultancy

Subject line: “Data Science and Analytics at [COMPANY NAME]”

This professional email subject line helped one of our clients, a data science consultancy, bring more B2B sales and marketing executives into their pipeline:

  • Read rate: 43.8%
  • Response rate: 3.59%
  • Click-through rate: 6.41%

Why did it work so well?

As well as being short (46 characters, under our recommended number of 50), it goes straight to the point. It respects the time of this busy, executive-level audience by using simple and clear language. It’s also personalised to the company.

5. Events company

Subject line: “[FIRST NAME]’s Invitation” 

Our final example is one of our clients, an events company, looking to find attendees for B2B events and trade shows. It worked brilliantly:

  • Read rate: 55.39%
  • Response rate: 10.18%
  • Click-through rate: 14.91%

This is one of the best email subject lines for sales. It stands out because it’s highly personalised, including the prospect’s full name. This gives it a much higher chance of being opened; everyone wants to read an email specifically addressed to them. 

In this way, the subject line acts as a Call To Action, inviting the prospect to open the email and find out more. As with all our other super subject lines, this one is short (41 characters).

180 email subject line examples for maximum impact

Creating the perfect email subject line can be challenging. You want to ensure that it grabs the reader’s attention and compels them to open your email.

Here are 180 additional email subject line examples organised by use case and why they work:

Email subject lines that create urgency

1. “Exclusive Offer for [Company Name] - Limited Time Only!”

Why it works: Personalisation combined with a sense of urgency can pique the email recipient’s interest.

2. “Last Chance: [Discount] Expires Tomorrow!”

Why it works: Mentioning an end date creates urgency, and discounts can boost open rates.

3. “Save [Time/Money] with [Solution] - Act Now!”

Why it works: Cost-saving and time-saving solutions are always attractive.

4. “Save Big on [Product] - Limited Time Offer”

Why it works: Highlights cost savings and urgency with a limited-time offer.

5. “Your VIP Access to [Product] - Act Fast”

Why it works: Offers VIP access, creating a sense of privilege.

6. “Times running out [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Urgency is created by simply mentioning that time is running out. It also invokes curiosity - what is time running out for?

7. “Get Ahead with [Product]: Limited Time Offer Inside”

Why it works: Promotes the product as a means to get ahead.

8. “Last Chance: [Product] Early Bird Pricing Ends Today”

Why it works: Creates urgency for a special pricing offer.

9. “Last Chance to Save Big: [Product] Discount Expires Today”

Why it works: It’s a good email subject line to create urgency for a discount offer.

10. “Last Call: [Product] Early Bird Pricing Ends at Midnight”

Why it works: Effectively creates urgency by providing a specific deadline for a pricing offer.

11. Unlock [Specific Benefit] with [Solution] - Act Now”

Why it works: Promises to unlock a benefit and encourages immediate action.

12. “Last call [FIRST NAME] 

Why it works: Ambiguity plus the hint that an opportunity is about to be lost creates intrigue and urgency to respond.

13. Unlock [Specific Benefit] with [Solution] - Get Started Now”

Why it works: Promises to unlock a benefit and encourages immediate action.

14. “Offer ends at midnight, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: It’s an effective cold email subject line due to creating urgency and a specific deadline.

15. “It’s time, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: The email recipient is left wondering what it’s time for and a sense of urgency to read the email.

Email subject lines that create curiosity

16. “Quick Question About [Specific Pain Point]”

Why it works: Intriguing and non-invasive, this subject line encourages curiosity.

17. “Discover the Secret to Seamless B2B Operations”

Why it works:  Promising to reveal a ”secret” arouses curiosity.

18. “Attention [Prospect’s Industry]: Exciting News Inside”

Why it works: Tailored to the recipient’s industry, piquing their curiosity.

19. “Your [Date] Meeting Confirmation”

Why it works:  Clear and concise, ensuring the recipient opens the email.

20. “[benefit] [FIRST NAME]? ”

Why it works: Promises to unlock a benefit and encourages your email to be read.

21. “[Specific Benefit] unlocked”

Why it works: Promises to unlock a benefit and creates curiosity about it.

22. “[Your company name]Pricing” 

Why it works: The prospect may not have asked for pricing but may be intrigued enough to see what your packages look like.

23. “Specific Benefit] for [Company Name]”

Why it works: A good email subject line for marketing as it creates curiosity about the benefits offered.

24. “Our call [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: This one hints at the idea that you had a call with the client, and you’re emailing to follow up on it. For a busy prospect, it will encourage a read.

25. "Following up”

Why it works: There’s not much information in this subject line. This creates curiosity, and the added touch of not using title case makes it seem less like a marketer or SDR wrote it.

26. “Breaking News!”

Why it works: Capitalises on the curiosity created by ”breaking news.”

27. “This is revolutionary, [FIRST NAME]

Why it works: Not only is this subject line personalised, but it hints at something exciting.

28. “Discover the Secrets of [Prospect’s Industry] Success”

Why it works: Invites recipients to learn industry-specific success secrets.

29. “Sssh 🤫 secrets inside”

Why it works: It makes the prospect wonder what secrets are in the email.

30. “Coffee?”

Why it works: Is it a free coffee? Is it a colleague wanting to meet up in the kitchen to gossip? Your prospect will be intrigued.

31. “Connecting”

Why it works: Short one-word subject lines are great for creating curiosity. 

32. "Wrong person?”

Why it works: It’s typically used at the end of an email sequence when there’s no reply. It makes the prospect wonder why they think they’ve reached the wrong person and creates an opportunity to ask for details of someone else who might be more interested.

33. “A reminder to (point about pain point) [company name]”

Why it works: This subject line will remind prospects that they need to find a solution to the pain point they’ve been facing, and your company might just be it.

34. “Reminder: [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Prospects will be curious about what the reminder is.

35. “Does it make sense to connect?”

Why it works: Encourages a response from potential buyers.

36. “One step ahead of [competitor]”

Why it works: Mentioning a competitor and being one step ahead of them is one of the best sales email subject lines.

37.  “[Question]? ”

Why it works: Asking a question about the solution your product or service provides is always a good opener. For instance, if you sell B2B data, you could use: “Tired of bad data?” Chances are your prospect is and will be interested to learn more. 

38. “Wrong time?”

Why it works: Another email subject line usually reserved for the last email in a cadence. Your potential buyer will be interested to know why you think it’s the wrong time.

39. “[Product] for [company name]”

Why it works: Personalisation combined with a solution is highly appealing. An example is ‘Lead enrichment for X’.

40. “[Product] opportunity”

Why it works: Promises an opportunity. An example is ‘hot lead opportunity’ or ‘lead opportunities’.

41. [percentage] more [result]?”

Why it works: Teases your product as a key to success. An example is ‘95% more prospecting time?’ Just make sure you provide proof that your product can deliver these results rather than making up numbers. 

Email subject lines that promise results, value or freebies

42. “Boost Your ROI with Our Cutting-Edge Solutions”

Why it works: The promise of a tangible benefit, in this case, an improved ROI, is attractive to businesses.

43. “Complementary Expert Consultation for [Prospect’s Company Name]”

Why it works:  Offering free expert advice can be highly appealing - just don’t use the word free! It can come across as spam and ruin your email reputation.

44. “Empower Your Team with [Product] - Special Offer Inside”

Why it works: Promotes a product as a means of empowerment.

45. “Exclusive B2B Insights: [Topic] Report Inside”

Why it works:  Exclusive insights can be a strong motivator to open an email.

46. “Discover the Blueprint for B2B Success”

Why it works: Offers a clear path to success.

47. “Boost [Specific Metric] by [X]% ”

Why it works: Promises quantifiable results.

48. “Cut Costs and Improve Efficiency with [Product]”

Why it works: Promises cost-saving and efficiency improvement, a top business priority.

49. “Success Begins Here - [Product] Inside”

Why it works: Encourages prospects to envision their success with your product.

50. “Want to try [your company name]?”

Why it works: Hints to a free trial.

51. “How to Win in [Prospect’s Industry] - Expert Tips Inside”

Why it works: Offers valuable insights and establishes you as an industry expert.

52. “Personalised Insights for [Prospect’s Company] - Complimentary”

Why it works: Offers personalised insights, demonstrating a commitment to the email recipient.

53. “Maximising ROI: A Strategy Session You Can't Miss”

Why it works: Emphasises a return on investment and the value of the strategy session.

54. “Thriving in Uncertain Times: Our Expert Guide”

Why it works: Addresses the current business climate, providing reassurance and guidance.

55. “Discover the Secrets of Top [Prospect’s Industry] Companies”

Why it works: Encourages recipients to learn from industry leaders and successful companies.

56. “Transform Your Team’s Performance with [Training]”

Why it works: Focuses on performance improvement, a common goal in B2B.

57. “Boost [Specific Metric] by [X]% - Proven Method Inside”

Why it works: Promises a measurable improvement with a proven method.

58. “Proven Strategies to Outsmart Your Competition”

Why it works: Great email subject lines address a common concern and promise a competitive edge.

59. “Your Roadmap to [Specific Business Goal] Starts Here”

Why it works: Promises a clear path towards a specific business objective.

60. “Master [Specific Skill] with Our Exclusive Guide”

Why it works: Positions your guide as the master source for a specific skill.

61. “Expert Insights: [Topic] Report Now Available”

Why it works: Positions your report as an expert source of insights.

62. “Grow Your [Specific Metric] by [X]%”

Why it works: Encourages recipients to take immediate action for growth. Plus, adding a number in an email subject line boosts open rates.

63. “[benefit] resources for [company name]”

Why it works: It is personalised by addressing the recipient’s company name and includes a valuable resource. 

Email subject lines that offer solutions to pain points

64. “Unlock the Key to [Specific Challenge] Success”

Why it works:  This is a good email subject line for reaching out because it promises to solve a particular problem, addressing customer pain points directly.

65. “Revolutionise Your [Specific Process] with [Product]”

Why it works:  Promises to transform a specific business process.

66. “Forget about [pain point]”

Why it works: Prospects will wonder why they should. Are you offering a solution, or is there something else they should be more concerned about?

67. “Reduce [pain point]”

Why it works: The best email subject lines for marketing are short and encourage buyers to open an email. This line is no different.

68. “Your [Specific Challenge] Solution Has Arrived”

Why it works: Addresses a specific problem and introduces the solution.

69. “Instantly Improve [Specific Process] with [Solution]”

Why it works: Promises an instant process improvement, appealing to efficiency.

70. “Elevate [Specific Metric] with [Solution]”

Why it works: Promises a metric improvement, appealing to efficiency.

71. “Let’s Talk Solutions”

Why it works: Opens the door for discussion about pain point solutions.

72. “[Specific Challenge] Solved”

Why it works: Addresses a specific problem and highlights the potential of a solution.

73. “[Pain point]?”

Why it works: Creates intrigue by asking whether that person is experiencing that specific pain point.

74. “Reduce [Pain point]”

Why it works: An effective email subject line hints at a solution to a specific pain point. 

Event email subject lines

75. “Learn from B2B Leaders - Join Our Webinar”

Why it works: Webinar email subject lines are great because you can mention a learning opportunity for higher read rates.

76. “Your Personal Invitation to Our Exclusive Event”

Why it works: Creates a sense of exclusivity and importance.

77. “Are you ready for [Upcoming Event]?”

Why it works:  Raises a question about preparedness for an event. It’s also a fantastic email subject line for networking.

78. “Join the Conversation”

Why it works: Encourages recipients to be part of industry discussions.

79. “Don’t Miss Out on [Event]: Register Today!”

Why it works: Creates a sense of urgency for event registration.

80. “A Personal Invitation to [Event]”

Why it works: Exclusive invitation to an event.

81. “RSVP Today”

Why it works: Encourages an immediate response.

82. “Join [Webinar/Event][FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: An attention-grabbing email subject line that personalises the event invitation.

83. “Don’t miss [event] [FIRST NAME]!”

Why it works: Urges event attendance with a sense of scarcity.

84. “Your VIP Invitation to[Event][FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: A good event email subject line that positions your event as VIP and encourages seat reservation.

85. “You’re invited [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: A welcoming and personalised email subject line is more likely to be read than something too wordy. And who doesn’t want to be invited to something?

86. “Exclusive access [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Creates a sense of exclusivity and relevance for the recipient.

87. “Early Bird Registration Closes Soon”

Why it works: Urges quick action with the deadline for an event registration.

88. “Limited Spots for [Event]”

Why it works: Creates a sense of urgency for event registration.

89. “Exclusive:[Networking Event]”

Why it works: It creates exclusivity, appealing to networking opportunities.

90. "Your Expertise Needed: [Topic] Discussion Panel”

Why it works: An email subject line for businesses inviting recipients to contribute their expertise.

91. "Webinar Alert: Master [Specific Skill] with Us”

Why it works: Promotes a webinar focused on skill development, which is excellent for webinar lead generation.

92. "Connect with [Industry] Influencers”

Why it works: Promotes networking with industry influencers.

93. "Last call [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Urges immediate action.

94. “Your Invitation to the Future of [Industry]”

Why it works: Creates anticipation by positioning your offering as the future.

95. “Your Personal [Event] Invitation Awaits”

Why it works: Creates a sense of personal attention and importance.

96. “Your Exclusive Invitation to [Industry] Forum”

Why it works: Highlights an exclusive opportunity for industry networking.

97. “Insights from Top [Industry] Leaders”

Why it works: Promises valuable insights from industry leaders.

98. “[Industry] Conversations - Exclusive [Event]”

Why it works: Encourages participation in industry discussions.

99. “Reserve your seat [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Promoting events is all part of sales, and this prospecting subject line helps create a sense of exclusivity and encourages event attendance.

100. “Join [Industry] Influencers[FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Positions the event as an opportunity to connect with influencers.

101. “Be the first [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: This B2B email subject line creates anticipation and offers exclusivity.

102. “Invite for you, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Hints to an invite to an event but doesn’t go into too much detail. 

103. "Waiting for your RSVP”

Why it works: Encourages an RSVP by hinting at a deadline.

104. “Don’t lose your seat, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Urges event attendance with a sense of scarcity.

105. "Join Us for a [Webinar/Event]”

Why it works: Promises insights and appeals to authority.

106. “RSVP Today”

Why it works: A simple email subject line that encourages an immediate response.

Social proof email subject lines

107. “How We Helped [Competitor’s Name] Achieve [Impressive Result]”

Why it works:  Leveraging your competition can be a powerful attention grabber.

108. "Case Study: How [Company] Achieved [Impressive Result]”

Why it works:  Real-world success stories are highly persuasive B2B email subject lines.

109: “[Company] case study”

Why it works: If you mention a well-known company, readers will happily open your email to learn more.

110. “How [company name] used [your company name] to [amazing result]”

Why it works: Creates interest. How has this company used your tool to get such great results? And will it work for your potential prospect’s company?

111. “How [Company] Achieved [Impressive Result] in [Timeframe]”

Why it works: Provides a case study example and a timeframe for results.

112. “The [name] case study for [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Provides a real-world use case of how a company used your tool for success.

113. “Outperform [competitor name]”

Why it works: Addresses the desire to outperform competitors and hints at solutions. What’s more, it shows you did your research and understand who the company’s biggest competitor is.

114. “Discover the Secrets of [Prospect’s Industry] Success”

Why it works: Invites recipients to learn industry-specific success secrets.

115. “Maximise ROI: here’s how [brand] did it!”

Why it works: Focuses on ROI and unveils that you can do it just like the brand you mentioned did it.

116. “LinkedIn is talking…”

Why it works: This is a great opening line If you include screenshots or links to where your product is being discussed on social media. You can also use this as a follow-up email subject line for added interest.

117. “How [ your company name] helped [company]”

Why it works: This sales email subject line includes a case study to prove your point.

118. “Here’s the [company name] case study, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Straightforward. This promotional email subject line makes a statement as to what the reader can expect. 

Email subject lines that get straight to the point

119. “Schedule a Demo and See [Product] in Action”

Why it works:  Offering a hands-on experience is an effective way to engage potential clients.

120. “[your company name] x [company name]”

Why it works: The prospect knows the email is about your company and theirs. It gets straight to the point.

121. “Opportunity for [company name]”

Why it works: Entices the prospect to an opportunity. It’s clear that they’ll receive a business proposition.

122. “Introducing [your company name]”

Why it works: States and introductory email. Simple and honest email subject lines work best.

123. “Meeting request”

Why it works: Explains the email is requesting a meeting.

124. “Feedback? ”

Why it works: Asks for feedback, which is much less annoying than a cold email for busy prospects.

125. “[FIRST NAME], [company name] update?”

Why it works: It is clear by this subject line that the email is asking for an update.

126. “[Your company name] Demo?”

Why it works: Asks a question and offers a demo.

127. “[Your company name] for [company name]”

Why it works: Highlights the purpose of the email. 

128. "Ready to Upgrade?”

Why it works: A re-engagement email subject line that you can also use for lead nurturing. It encourages existing clients to explore product enhancements.

129. “Bookmark [your company name]”

Why it works: Usually used at the end of a sequence or drip email marketing campaign, asking the prospect to bookmark your website is less of a demand on their time than requesting a demo.

130. “Let’s arrange a call [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Informs the reader that you’re interested in a call.

131. “Partnership Opportunity”

Why it works: Emphasises a potential partnership, sparking interest.

Email subject lines about new products

132. “Unveiling Our Latest Innovation - [Product Name]”

Why it works:  New product announcements are always interesting to B2B professionals.

133. “Stay Ahead of the Game with Our Latest Updates”

Why it works:  A good business email subject line as leaders want to stay competitive and informed.

134. “Get Started Today - [Product] is Now Live”

Why it works:  Announcing a product launch is intriguing and time-sensitive.

135. “Sneak Peek: [Product] Features You’ll Love”

Why it works:  Offers a preview of product features, piquing interest.

136. “Explore [Product] Advancements”

Why it works: Encourages existing clients to explore product enhancements.

137. "Revolutionise [Specific Industry] with [Product] - Exclusive Offer”

Why it works: Offers an industry revolution and an exclusive deal.

138. “New feature!”

Why it works: Encourages existing clients to explore product enhancements.

139. “Elevate Your [Specific Process] with [Product]”

Why it works: Focuses on process improvement, a common B2B sales goal.

140. “Unlocking Success: [Product] Revealed”

Why it works: Teases the unveiling of a product, building anticipation.

141. “Join Us for a [Product] Demo”

Why it works: Encourages prospects to experience the product firsthand.

142. “Maximise ROI: [Product] Explained”

Why it works: Focuses on the potential return on investment with your product.

143. “How [Product] Transformed [Company Name]”

Why it works: Offers real-life success stories for credibility.

145. "Revolutionise [Specific Industry] with [Product]”

Why it works: Positions your product as a game-changer in the industry.

146. "Stand Out in [Prospect’s Industry] with [Product]”

Why it works: Promotes standing out in a crowded market.

147. "Gain a Competitive Edge with [Product] - Exclusive Offer”

Why it works: Appeals to the desire for a competitive advantage.

148. "Success Stories: How [Product] Transformed [Specific Process]”

Why it works: Offers specific process transformation examples.

149. “Give [product] a go!”

Why it works: A compelling email subject line that encourages a trial.

150. “[Product] Sneak Peek”

Why it works: Teases a product preview and creates anticipation.

151. “Save on [Product][FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: It is personalised and offers an exclusive discount.

Personalised email subject lines

152. “Personalised Solutions for [Prospect’s Company Name]”

Why it works: Personalisation makes recipients feel valued.

153. “Exclusive Deal for [Prospect’s Company]: [Discount] Inside”

Why it works: Personalised and offers an exclusive discount.

154. “Your [Prospect’s Company] Partnership Opportunity Awaits”

Why it works: Emphasises the opportunity to partner with the recipient’s company.

155. “Our call [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Mentions a call you might have had and uses the prospect’s name to make it seem more realistic.

156. “[Company name] partnership opportunity”

Why it works: Emphasises the opportunity to partner with the recipient’s company.

157. “Exclusive Offer [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Offers an exclusive deal.

158. “One last request [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Promises they won’t be bothered again. It’s normally used as a campaign email subject line for the last email in a cadence. 

159. "Exclusive Deal for [Prospect’s Company]”

Why it works: Personalised and offers an exclusive discount.

160. "Your Personal [Event] Invitation - RSVP Today”

Why it works: Personalises the invitation and encourages immediate response.

161. "Master [Specific Skill] with Our Exclusive [Training]”

Why it works: Positions your training program as an exclusive source for skill mastery.

162. "Your [Prospect’s Company] Partnership Opportunity Awaits”

Why it works: Emphasises the opportunity to partner with the recipient’s company.

163. "Exclusive Deal for [Prospect’s Company]: [Discount] Inside”

Why it works: Personalised and offers an exclusive discount.

164. “[Discount] Inside [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: This B2B email subject line is personalised and includes an exclusive discount.

165. "Maximise ROI: [Product] Benefits Unveiled”

Why it works: Focuses on ROI and unveils the benefits of your product.

166. “Let’s shake things up, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Interesting and personalised results in higher email open rates.

167. “How to elevate [specific metric], [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Promises metric elevation with a personal twist.

168. “What’s your vision, [FIRST NAME]?”

Why it works: An interesting question that’s personalised is always enticing.

169. “Make it happen, [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Combines curiosity with a first name.

170. “Touching base [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Uses business jargon and the buyer’s first name to encourage conversation.

171. “Lots to discuss [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: This is an example of a good email subject line that works. It makes it appear as if you and your prospect have spoken before.

172. “Quick reminder [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Urges an open.

173. “Tried calling,[FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Empahises you have their contact number so you have a better chance of a response. 

Newsletter subject lines

174. “Get Ahead of the Curve with [Industry Trend]”

Why it works:  Demonstrates awareness of industry trends.

175. “Your [day of the week] [industry] update”

Why it works: Anyone looking for trends and statistics to help them get ahead in their industry will be interested in updates.

176. “Master [Specific Skill] [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Positions your training program or product as an exclusive source for skill mastery.

177. “X must-read articles for this week”

Why it works: Promises industry insights and news for prospects who are very busy and will appreciate the value.

178. “Have you heard?”

Why it works: A newsletter email subject line that promises exciting news.

179. “This is epic [FIRST NAME]”

Why it works: Hints at something unmissable.

180. “[Influncer name] explains [trend]”

Why it works: Name-dropping an industry influencer and promising to explain a hot trend will always interest prospects. 

These sales email subject line examples offer diverse strategies to engage B2B prospects, from personalisation and exclusivity to benefits, urgency, and expertise. Tailoring your subject lines to your specific audience and goals is key to success in B2B email marketing.


Crafting subject lines that work for B2B sales is all about personalisation, offering value, and creating a sense of urgency or curiosity.

Testing and refining your subject lines based on your audience’s responses is essential. Use the examples provided as a starting point, and adapt them to suit your specific B2B sales goals.

In the fast-paced world of B2B sales, a compelling email subject line can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and building lasting client relationships. Start experimenting with these examples, and watch your open rates soar.

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C-suite Selling: 7 Tips to Win Over Decision-makers
C-suite selling - tough, but not impossible! Click here for 7 proven tactics that will help you win over top-level execs and close more deals.
cold-calling- success-rates-seo-resource-card
The Top Cold Calling Success Rates for 2024 Explained
Does cold calling still work? How effective is it in 2024? What are the cold calling success rates? Click to discover the answers to these questions & more
When is the Best Time to Cold Call in B2B Sales_Resource card
When is the Best Time to Cold Call in B2B Sales? [2024]
Wondering when the best time to cold call for maximum response rates is? What about the worst times to call? Here are the answers. Click to see the stats!

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