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10 Account-Based Marketing Tactics for Better Sales in 2024

You’ve probably heard the adage it takes two to tango; in this case, it takes two to harness powerful account-based marketing tactics.

And by two, we mean marketing and sales! 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketing pro looking to up your game or a wide-eyed newbie eager to dive headfirst into the intriguing world of ABM, you’ll find some fundamental tactics for success in this article.

So gather your teams and read on to discover the best ABM tactics that drive results 👇

The fundamental rule of ABM tactics

A simple truth: 

If you want to see eyebrow-raising ROI stats, look no further than account-based marketing (ABM).

As a savvy B2B marketer, your marketing mix will include various approaches to generate leads for your sales team.

Among these will be marketing activities that cast a wide net to build awareness and improve reach. 

It’s about getting prospects into your ABM funnel so you can become more targeted and contextualise your offering. 

This is great, but there’s also another way. One where you target specific clients with a hyper-focused approach from the onset. 

We’re talking laser-guided focus on selected leads that are worth the extra effort.


Because these leads are your big fish, the ones that could become your key accounts.

Landing big fish isn’t easy; you must bring in a partner to do it effectively. This is where you send your B2B sales team a call-to-arms. It’s about putting your heads together and using your particular sets of skills in tandem. 

What’s important to remember is that it’s not about throwing large chunks of your budget at the companies you want as your biggest clients. You must build genuine relationships, understand their business needs at the deepest levels, and deliver real value whenever they interact with you.

When using ABM strategies and tactics, your thinking has to be much more granular. 

Details are key, like deciphering what’s important to an organisation and what will resonate with individual decision-makers. This is where every bit of marketing data you can lay your hands on has a role to play.

Get personal, get relevant, and most importantly, get creative.

Now, let’s get into the best ABM tactics 👇

1. Sales and marketing team alignment

Picture your B2B marketing and sales teams as two halves of a dynamic duo, each wielding their own particular set of skills.

Just as Sherlock Holmes relies on Dr Watson’s steadfast support to crack the toughest cases, sales teams depend on the marketing team’s insights and resources to close deals effectively.

However, with an ABM approach, the insights also flow in the other direction. The most important thing is collaborating and brainstorming with shared goals and outcomes.

By aligning these powerhouse teams, you’ll create a formidable partnership that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

For example:

Sales and marketing alignment can involve joint strategy sessions where teams collaborate to identify target accounts, define ideal customer profiles, and develop tailored messaging and content for them.

Sales can share their insights into customer preferences and which offerings create a competitive advantage, while marketing can share insights into how to use technology and creativity to leverage them.

Together, they can develop a unified approach to engaging target accounts and driving conversions.

In addition, aligning sales and marketing teams is a great B2B ABM tactic because it can help ensure that both work towards the same goals. 

By setting shared objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), such as revenue targets or lead conversion rates, both teams can be held accountable for their contributions to the company’s overall success.

Furthermore, alignment between marketing and sales can help streamline processes and improve efficiency. By sharing insights, resources, and best practices, both teams can work more effectively to deliver a seamless customer experience.

2. Target account list building and segmentation 

Think of your target accounts as precious gems waiting for discovery.

Just as a skilled gemologist carefully selects and categorises gemstones based on their quality and characteristics, your unified team must work together to create a list of target accounts.

The next step is to segment them for greater personalisation.

By focusing on a select group of accounts that align with your ideal customer profile, you can tailor your messaging and offerings to address their specific needs and pain points. This will maximise the impact of your account based marketing strategies.

Segmenting accounts can involve categorising them based on factors like industry, company size, revenue potential, or geographic location.

For example,  B2B service provider may segment accounts based on company size, focusing their efforts on mid-market companies with the greatest potential for growth and scalability.

Or, a B2B marketing agency like Project36 would use a sales intelligence tool to help target enterprise clients and segment accounts based on industry verticals such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing.

This allows them to tailor their messaging and solutions to each sector’s unique requirements, resulting in 70% engagement rates. But you need quality data to do this. They said:

“Our main challenge was around data quality. To execute ABM programs at enterprise level, where most of our customers are, we need to ensure that we’re working with the best-quality data on the market. For example, we were looking to identify extremely senior prospects in the financial sector, which has historically been challenging.”

“Additionally, we had to build a culture of trust around our data. Our customers must know that our data is fully compliant with the latest privacy and protection regulations. So, we started looking for a reputable B2B data provider who we could partner with.”

“I looked at other solutions, but Cognism hit my sweet spot. In terms of pricing, partnership options, having a slick, user-friendly interface, insightful sales triggers and an in-built automation platform - not to mention being fully GDPR-compliant - meant Cognism had everything I was looking for.”

It’s about finding the best fit between what you can offer and what your target accounts specifically need.

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3. Retarget and nurture 

Retargeting in ABM is like planting seeds in a well-tended garden – it requires patience, nurturing, and a keen eye for growth opportunities.

Just as a gardener carefully tends to each plant, retargeting lets marketers nurture relationships with potential customers who’ve shown interest but haven’t yet taken the plunge.

By serving targeted ads to these prospects across various marketing channels, you keep your brand top-of-mind and gently guide them along the path to conversion.

With account based marketing, you follow the same approach but with a higher degree of personalisation.

For example, a cybersecurity company targeting enterprise clients may use retargeting to engage prospects who’ve visited their website but haven’t yet signed up for a free trial.

This could start with a series of targeted ads that prospects see on search pages and industry-specific websites.

The first part of the series talks about the difficulties of keeping enterprise networks secure because of the increasing sophistication of data hacking.

The second part offers a limited-time discount on a package that aligns with the organisation’s size. With personalised retargeting, you’ll drive increased website re-engagement rates and, ultimately, more conversions.

Nurturing in ABM involves building on the initial interest sparked by retargeting efforts. This is where you deepen your relationship with potential customers and provide them with the information they need to make a decision.

In the cybersecurity company example, nurturing could involve sending personalised emails to prospects who have engaged with the retargeting ads.

These emails could offer further information on the benefits of the cybersecurity solution, case studies of successful implementations, and invitations to webinars or events where prospects can learn more about the company’s offerings.

By consistently providing valuable content and staying top-of-mind, you increase the likelihood of converting these prospects into customers.

Overall, account based marketing tactics like targeting specific accounts, personalising messaging, and retargeting and nurturing leads can help B2B companies effectively engage with high-value prospects and drive conversions. 

It’s important to continuously refine and optimise these tactics to ensure the best results for your organisation.

💡You might be interested in learning how to ungate your content by segment

4. Tailor ABM campaigns to specific prospects

Crafting prospect-specific offers and ABM campaigns is like tailoring a bespoke suit – it requires precision, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of your customer’s preferences.

Just as a master tailor meticulously measures and stitches each garment to fit its wearer perfectly, You’ll need to analyse data and insights to create personalised offerings that resonate with your target accounts. 

You show commitment to meeting their needs and building a meaningful relationship by addressing their pain points and challenges.

For example, a plastic injection moulding company could create specific offers that would entice decision-makers in different industries to consider them. 

They could develop email drip campaigns that address the unique challenges and needs of companies in various industries such as healthcare, food and beverage, or electronics. 

By varying the images and messaging in their mailers, they can bring to life the benefits and uses of custom-moulded plastics in their specific industries. This makes the offers more relevant to each prospect’s specific needs and solves the issue they’re experiencing.

💡Check out these account based marketing examples to inspire your next campaign!

5. Personalise website landing pages

Your website is the cornerstone of your digital presence and, as such, must cater to a wide array of visitors. 

However, tailored landing pages can make the experience more personal for visitors from your target accounts. 

This includes creating customised recommendations based on their preferences, aligning content with their interests, and even using their logos and names if using a web link you have sent them directly. 

The goal is to make them feel special and create a seamless experience that keeps them engaged and eager to learn more.

For example, an inventory management system company targeting manufacturing companies could create custom landing pages for different segments of their target audience, such as aerospace manufacturers, automotive suppliers, or electronics manufacturers. 

Each landing page could feature tailored content and product recommendations relevant to that industry’s specific needs and challenges. 

This would include compelling call-to-actions that prompt visitors to request a quote, schedule a consultation, or download a relevant resource. 

You can increase ABM engagement and conversions by delivering a personalised experience from the moment visitors land on your website, turning prospects into loyal customers.

6. Utilise targeted online advertising

In the vast ocean of digital advertising, targeted online advertising is like a lighthouse guiding ships safely to shore. Just as a lighthouse casts its beam across the dark waters, targeted ads illuminate the digital landscape, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time. 

Whether through search engine ads, social media campaigns, or display advertising, targeted ads allow you to laser-focus your efforts on the most promising leads, increasing the likelihood of conversion and driving measurable results. 

The trick with targeted ads in ABM is to make them as specific as possible to insights you’ve uncovered about your target accounts.

For example, a B2B technology company targeting enterprise clients may use targeted online advertising to reach decision-makers within specific industries such as finance or telecommunications. 

They could create custom ad campaigns tailored to each industry segment’s interests and pain points, highlighting relevant solutions and case studies that demonstrate the value of their products or services. 

By leveraging advanced targeting options such as demographic filters, interest-based targeting, and retargeting, they can ensure that their ads resonate with the right audience and drive qualified traffic to their website.

7. Personalised messaging with email marketing 

In the age of digital overload, direct mail may seem like an oldie, but it’s still a goodie. A physical piece of communication conveys more sincerity and thoughtfulness. It’s a personal touch to your ABM marketing tactics and keeps your company top-of-mind with your target accounts. 

Whether it’s a carefully crafted package, a bespoke brochure, or a clever promotional item, email marketing creates a tangible connection that can resonate with decision-makers and set you apart from the competition.

For example, a SaaS provider targeting SMEs could send a personalised email sequence to key decision-makers within their target accounts. 

The sequence could include a promotional item that cleverly links to their offering and is also something the decision-maker is passionate about. 

Along with this, they include a letter personally addressed to the recipient with a QR code directing to a dedicated landing page. 

The landing page speaks specifically to the recipient’s pain points and discusses an offering that addresses it, along with a call-to-action to schedule a consultation.

Keen to learn more about the art of B2B ABM tactics? Listen to this podcast featuring Declan Mulkeen, CMO at Strategic ABM👇 

8. Separate customer testimonials into tiers

Customer testimonials are the lifeblood of any good ABM strategy. 

They provide social proof and validation that builds trust and affinity. Just as a skilled chef selects the finest ingredients to create a gourmet meal, your team can carefully curate customer testimonials, separating them into tiers based on relevance and influence. 

High-profile testimonials from industry leaders or key decision-makers serve as the main course. At the same time, endorsements from satisfied customers add flavour and depth to your account-based marketing tactics, creating a compelling narrative that speaks to the value of your offerings.

For example, a B2B software company targeting enterprise clients may prominently feature testimonials from C-level executives at top 500 companies on their website and as part of their campaigns. 

Testimonials like these carry significant weight and credibility because they demonstrate to prospective clients that industry leaders trust and endorse their solution. 

They could also feature positive testimonials from mid-level managers, department heads, or even lower-level users to show the positive effects and ease of adoption throughout an organisation.

9. Send an unforgettable gift

If you’re looking for something that strengthens a relationship, fosters goodwill and leaves a lasting impression – send an unforgettable gift. 

Corporate gifting doesn’t have to be lavish as long as it’s well-thought-out. Consider and reflect your understanding of the recipient’s tastes and preferences to make it memorable.

You can’t go wrong with the usual suspects of branded swag bags, gift baskets, or the like, but often a real-world experience or something surprising, along with a hand-written note, can be a home run. 

You want it to create a positive association with your brand and set the stage for future interactions and collaborations.

For example, a wholesaler targeting mid-market companies could send personalised gifts to key decision-makers at their target accounts. 

Through some social media “snooping”, the team finds out which hobbies those individuals enjoy and aligns the gifts with them. 

The gifts are subtly and tastefully branded, so they serve as a constant reminder that keeps their brand top-of-mind. 

The sales team accompanies the gifts with handwritten messages for a personal touch. By incorporating thoughtful and personalised gifts into their ABM strategy, they strengthen consideration with their target accounts, building relationships and creating advocacy.

10. Informative videos for expertise and insights

In the age of ever-shortening attention spans and endless scrolling, videos are one of the most engaging ways to tell your story. Whether it’s an informative explainer video or an inspiring thought leadership piece, video content has the power to educate, entertain, and inspire your target audience. 

There’s great power in telling your story with a compelling narrative and insightful commentary. It also makes it easy to explain complex concepts and build your case in an engaging format. 

Whether you’re demystifying industry trends, showcasing your expertise, or highlighting the benefits of your offerings, video content allows you to connect with your target accounts on a deeper level, positioning your brand as a trusted advisor and thought leader in your field.

For example, a B2B technology firm targeting enterprise clients could create a series of thought leadership videos featuring interviews with industry experts, case studies of successful implementations, and demonstrations of their products in action. 

These videos are hosted on their website, shared on social media, and included in email newsletters. 

Additionally, they could create explainer videos that break down difficult-to-understand concepts such as artificial intelligence or cloud computing.

 By enlightening their target audience, they position themselves as a leader in their field and improve their chances of impressing a decision-maker that could open the door to a conversion.

💡Need help implementing your ABM tactics? Try using our account based marketing template

Account based marketing tactics: key takeaways

Account based selling is more than just a strategy — it’s a philosophy that celebrates collaboration, partnership, and personalised engagement. 

By aligning your sales and marketing teams, segmenting target accounts, and embracing the above B2B ABM marketing tactics, you can connect with accounts that could become your bread and butter. 

It all relies on building relationships within your teams and fostering a culture of collaboration and creative thinking.

So grab your team, put your waders on, and pick your lures because the big fish are out there.

It’s time to go fishing!

The best ABM results start with great data

Power your account based marketing tactics with the help of Cognism - the leader in international sales intelligence.

Its GDPR-compliant data allows you to:

  • Calculate TAM and explore your ICP.
  • Gain access to ABM data such as accurate business emails, mobile numbers, and social handles.

Plus, a whole lot more!

Cognism is the ABM platform for you. Click to book a demo today 👇

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